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The #legend of the Moroi lives on

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The #legend of the Moroi lives on

They are disturbing the natural way of living. Usually accused of damaging the crops, killing domestic animals, stealing milk, injuring and even killing people, the Moroi has an imposing presence in Romanian folklore. In numerous parts of Romania’s rural communities people still believe in the existence of this creature.

As any other monster, they come up at night, when people are most vulnerable. Some stories say that they enjoy leading people astray if found travelling past sunset. They are guiding humans to lakes or rivers where the Moroi would eventually drown them. In some parts, they are known to drink blood and cause all kinds of mischief.

They are the souls of unbaptized infants or babies born dead or killed, or of those who’ve been buried alive. It is believed that they come out at night, crying and asking to be baptized. They can also appear from a corpse that’s not yet rotten and not buried properly. During a full moon, the female version may appear, called Moroita, as a woman dressed in a long white dress.

In some parts of Romania, the villagers still believe that if a cow doesn’t give milk, it is spoiled or low in fat, it’s the Moroi’s fault. The solution in dealing with such things is by exhuming the person that became a Moroi, stab the heart, burn it and eat the ashes.

To discover who has transformed into such monstrosity, you have to bring a black stud or gander to the cemetery and let it walk over the graves. The one they stop at and refuse to step over is the Moroi place of rest. You must deal with it fast because, if this creature dwells too long on earth, it may become a devil.

Other stories say that, if encountered, you should throw at it a piece of cloth or something you are wearing and say loudly:

If you are a boy, may you be called Ioan!

If you are a girl, may you be called Maria!

Ioan and Maria are the most common names in Romanian rural areas and are the equivalent of John am Mary. Giving the Moroi a name acts as a baptism and it allows the soul to find peace and ascend to Heaven.

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